- It’s the economy stupid
There's a lot of truth there. And let's not forget the influence of culture, either. Our upbringing and ...
I don't speak for anyone other than myself, so this opinion is just about as subjective as Salvador Dali's critique ...
You are typical of conservative middle class folks. A misunderstanding of issues and solutions is clear in your posts. ...
Buck...get ready to hit the floor again...5 second rule does not apply.
I see you as a dreamer. You actually ...
- Jody, this is really really sad. You just can't wrap your brain around the FACT that modestly higher taxes ...
Didn't shock me.
That is exactly how I feel Tom.
Now get up off that floor soldier!
As someone who gets his medical needs taken care of for free, I don't mind paying my share in taxes ...
"As someone who gets his medical needs taken care of for free, I don’t mind paying my share in taxes ...
I don't qualify for Medicare, my wife does. She goes to the same doctor we went to when I ...
The entire fundamental premise of social spending is about a large majority helping out a small minority.
The same premise is true for insurance premiums. Doh!
Tom, its not my problem.
The same premise is true for insurance premiums. Doh!
The entire fundamental premise of social spending is about a large majority helping out a small minority.
- And I guessed you missed the part about people who CAN'T afford alternatives, and the little bit about a social ...
I don't qualify for Medicare, my wife does. She goes to the same doctor we went to when I ...
Bravo! (see comment)
- When is government hand outs enough for you? Where do we draw the line?
"As someone who gets his medical needs taken care of for free, I don’t mind paying my share in taxes ...
That is exactly how I feel Tom.
Now get up off that floor soldier!
Buck...get ready to hit the floor again...5 second rule does not apply.
I see you as a dreamer. You actually ...
You are typical of conservative middle class folks. A misunderstanding of issues and solutions is clear in your posts. ...
Oooh, now try this one!
Republicans have long used wedge issues to distract voters away from their anti-middle class economic policies.
Yep. The nation is besieiged with crisis, foreign and domestic, and they worry about gay marriage and prayer in ...
The author points out that conservatives are erasing the entire 20th century. Which, by the way, is when America ...
- Yep. That was what 2010 was all about. Gay marriage and prayer in the schools.
I know Conservatives appear to be stuffed olives, but they do not speak for everyone.
Conservatives think they preserve.
Democrats think they ...
The author points out that conservatives are erasing the entire 20th century. Which, by the way, is when America ...
Yep. The nation is besieiged with crisis, foreign and domestic, and they worry about gay marriage and prayer in ...