Not only did the ship hit rocks, it tried to eat one:
I'm guessing it rolled the other way because the ripped side was in shallow water and the other side wasn't.
Basically, ...
According to some sources (BBC), the rock the ship is sitting on is not the rock it hit, saying the ...
Either the captain was deliberately buzzing the island for kicks (bad idea), or he deliberately tried to run a quickly ...
The map is from the BBC, using data from Lloyds List. A more annotated map and more information can ...
More: A blog with a good discussion can be found at http://blog.geogarage.com/.
Double wow. Great site, thanks.
- Now I wonder why the ship is pointed 180 degrees from the direction it was sailing.
Double wow. Great site, thanks.
More: A blog with a good discussion can be found at http://blog.geogarage.com/.
The map is from the BBC, using data from Lloyds List. A more annotated map and more information can ...
Didn't know that (and thanks for the map!) Still, the "shallow water/deep water" theory still holds for the direction ...
Either the captain was deliberately buzzing the island for kicks (bad idea), or he deliberately tried to run a quickly ...
According to some sources (BBC), the rock the ship is sitting on is not the rock it hit, saying the ...
I'm guessing it rolled the other way because the ripped side was in shallow water and the other side wasn't.
Basically, ...
- I think your analysis is probably pretty accurate.